Saturday, April 12, 2008

Individual Insurance Plans

In the past four years, Americans have spent an ever-growing portion of their paychecks on health care and for the most part gotten less for their money, forcing millions into the ranks of the uninsured or personal bankruptcy, according to government figures and several independent assessments. Nationwide, workers costs for health insurance have risen by 36 percent since 2000, dwarfing the average 12.4 percent increase in earnings since President Bush took office, the liberal consumer group Families USA reports in an analysis scheduled for release today. The number of Americans spending more than a quarter of their income on medical costs climbed from 11.6 million in 2000 to 14.3 million this year, according to the group. As of 7/30/2007 there are currently 74 Million Americans without Health Insurance. Are you tired of paying too much for health insurance premiums? Only 5 or 6 years ago health insurance seemed very affordable with fantastic coverage to match. Well, if you re an individual or family who pays for health insurance today chances are you re literally getting punched in the pocket book, and it hurts. Dramatically health insurance has changed over the last five years and this article will no doubt arm you with the knowledge you need to get the most out of your next health insurance plan. First, an individual or family needs to identify with what they need out of a health plan. Notice I say need, because unless you make more money than you know what to do with there is no way in the world most people can afford the "Perfect" plan with all the bells and whistles. Are you in need of Health Insurance for yourself or your family just visit our site for details.

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